In this section I would like to display the groupings to men who were killed or wounded in action. All of these groupings have been on the open market and have wound up in my collection. As a collector I feel it is my duty not only to keep the items safe, but also to keep the memory of the men alive.
Some of these items were tethering on the rim of the waste paper basket, one flick of the wrist from oblivion as the relatives wondered whether documents of a long forgotten relative were really worth keeping. The site may not be much of a "Monument" but for many of the men whose items are pictured here, it is probably the only place where they are remembered.
To connect to the section dealing with the German Medical services in WW1 as well as some eyewitness accounts, please click HERE
Some Dramatic Militaria, and the cost. Emil Engert of the 110th Grenadiers was killed in the Bois de Caurrieres at Verdun in 1917, but not before mailing home an item that shows the violence of warfare in the Industrial age HERE
Wiliam M Cain, an African American from the 92nd "Buffalo" Dvision was wounded on the last day of the war HERE
Prinz Adalbert of Bavaria was wounded on the Stochod during the later stages of the Brusilow offensive. For his wound badge document and a description of the action see HERE
Prinz Adalbert was wounded again during the Marne-Champagne offensive in July 1918 see HERE
The grave marker and documents to Walter Heine, a young volunteer from the 65th Field Artilley Regt, killed on the Somme on the 25th of August 1916
The Hessen Infanterie Leib Regiment`s losses in the Caures-Wald
on the 22nd of February 1916 were: I. Batl. 8 Killed, 32 wounded. II. Batl. 19
wounded. An account of the fighting and the awards of two of the 1st
battalions wounded are shown HERE
A most beautiful death... Hermann Koopmann was one of the "Innocents" killed in Flanders in 1914
The Volpert brothers were two lads from the farm, both who served in the 9th Bavarian Infantry Regiment, both were killed in Flanders.
A Verdun group to a stretcher bearer named Armand Detrus, he was killed on the night 8th to 9th of June 1916 while evacuating the wounded.
Peter Weiss, a driver of a field railway locomotive was killed behind the lines of the 26th Reserve Division. A British Officer describes the Barrage.
Wehrmann Franz Heinz of the 60. I.R. went missing during an attack on the Vaux Quarry at Verdun.
A gas victim. Richard Wahl of the 120. Landwehr Infanterie Regiment suffered gas poisoning on the west bank at Verdun (Forest of Avocourt and Malancourt).
Landsturmmann August Mammen was killed on the first day of the furious French assault on the Hartmannsweilerkopf. The R.I.R. 78 was swept from it's positions.
The medals of Lt. William Owen, possibly the first South African casualty of the first world war. Owen was wounded in the battle at Sandfontein in German South West Africa.
Corporal George S. McCulloch of the American 354th Infantry Regiment was gassed during the Meuse Argonne offensive.
Sergeant Henry Johnson, a Harlem Hellfighter, was wounded in one of the most dramatic efences of the war, see HERE
One of the bravest actions I have found mentioned. French soldiers save an Alpenkorps officer. The award documents of another Alpenkorps officer are used to illustrate the article.
The cross of Ludwig Schorrenberg, an officer killed in the fighting in the Champagne, near Tahure.
Hermann Wentzel of the R.I.R. 212 lost his left foot at the end of the first battle for Bixschoote.
Soldat Louis Albert Girard, a soldier in the 152eme Regiment D'infanterie was killed on a quiet day on the Hartmannsweilerkopf.
Leutnant Theodor Günther was badly wounded on the Somme but lived to fight another day. His awards are shown HERE
On the 27th of June Soldat 2eme Classe Eugene
Guillaume of the 5eme Compagnie was wounded at his post in Front of Souville.
His was awarded the Croix de Guerre with a citation at Regimental level. Click
HERE to see the award and the circumstances it was awarded under.
Sous Lieutenant Georges Picquet fought on the Mont Cornillet in the Champagne until he was wounded in April 1918.
Unteroffizier Friedrich Pöhler, 2. Sturm-Kompagnie, Sturm-Abteilung Rohr was one of the first casualties of the most famous assault units of the war. He dies in October 1915 in an attack on the Schratzmännle. Click HERE
Above: Assembly point for gas casualties of the 89th US Division near St. Mihiel